2nd March - Leicester
(St Martins House)

Game themes: Magical Educational Establishment / Institution Management

Gameplay: Negotiation / Resource Allocation / Research / Construction (college & university building) / Non-Combative / Intersectional Teams And Allegiances

Read more about the setting and roles

Have you ever wanted to set institutional policy, argue with fellow academics about research papers, or campaign with your students' union against the injustices of a reactionary establishment... but in an environment that includes fae exchange students, a dragonology department, and a lively debate on the ethics of necromancy? 

Collegium takes some of its inspiration from the Oxbridge colleges, mixes in a healthy dose of Unseen University and the Worst Witch, and adds a pinch of Rivers of London and some other mythological elements. Yes, the bursar needs to balance the books and carefully consider the new financial climate in which the college is operating... but the magister (head of the college) wants a new floating enchanted library, so find that cash from somewhere! 

Teams are mostly based on the 9 colleges of the University of Hexford (rather than their friendly rivals in the "Odder Place", Wyrdbridge), made up of a magister, bursar, senior tutor, and student envoy. Each college has its own culture and traditions, and in addition to these roles there are also those of the University of Hexford Libraries, Museums and Heritage department, as well as the hard-working media representing the student paper and the Central University Comms team!

Who will take home the Pegasus cup? Who will receive a visit from the Ethics Committee for trying to crossbreed a kraken with a unicorn? Who will HeXtinction Rebellion protest against due to their ties to Big Mana?

You get to tell the story and make the magic with COLLEGIUM! 

Player testimony from the previous (online) run of Collegium:

“The theme felt really effective. Not only the excitement of magic, but the effective contrast with the mundane of academic organisation.”

“It was absolutely fantastic! The magic school part was very fun and I loved the twist on it - the focus more on faculty and running the school… I liked how there was a LOT to be involved in and a lot of different pieces that fit together to make the game feel complex and realistic.”

“Setting was fun, lots to play around with, the various plot elements that popped up were good fun. The Senate game was mostly fun too, good politicking.”

“A strong theme meant players generated their own fun. I feel this game was always going to be a winner in terms of its basic premise. The College / Role intersectional cut was very effective, and I think there was some real tension in places.”

Designed by Charlotte Askew and Rob Grayston

Below: Shields of the colleges of the University of Hexford, with the university’s own shield in the centre

Crowley College
Avalon College
Circe College
Hekate College
University of Wexford
Themyscira College
Dee College
Stukeley College
Wyvern College